206 project
Welcome to the 206 Project. I created this project as a way of connecting with the homeless population in the Denver area, spending time to hear their story, and to show them people care about them.
I chose the name “206 Project” because one of my favorite musicians reminded me once that we all are made up of 206 bones. That really resonated with me, inside and out we are all the same, made up the same, and loved by the same Creator, and can love the same way.
I believe that everyone has value; is worth listening to their life’s story. I believe that's really what we all want to feel. I believe everyone wants to know someone sees them as beautiful even on their worst day. I believe people are more than their situation, the way they appear, and their past. I believe life isn't about me. I believe there is life in showing another they are valued, telling them you love them and think they’re beautiful, and taking time to sit with them. I believe we are all broken but together can be so much more.